Crystals Are Calling

Contact "Earth Angel Rose"

Golden Age Ancient Oracle Energy Healing Techniques & Readings For a Life of Love, Wellness & Prosperity ©


Life just doesn't happen to us.
There is an art to choosing a lifestyle which best suits you and those around you.
Why an Intuitive Empowerment Coach, Psychic Reader or a Reiki Healer? Why Use a Shaman or Empath Energy Worker?
Often, many of us find we need help in tackling a multitude of life's most challenging issues. Sometimes our own vision is cloudy and a helping hand, professional guidance, clarity toward a solution to a problem or a simple confirmation is needed. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could turn to a reliable and trustworthy insightful resource outside of friends and family who could work with us to reach our maximum happiness, sense of peace, love, career and finances? Wouldn't life be smoother if we could learn to love unconditionally, forgive and be open to receiving a life of abundant good health and good fortune? This is where the service of a professional Intuitive Empowerment Coach & Energy Healer comes into play.
About "Earth Angel Rose", Sharon Rose Washington:
Founder of Crystals Are Calling is a professional Intuitive Empowerment Coach & Energy Healer Empath Oracle. She has an extensive background in various fields.
"Earth Angel Rose has chosen to work in the distinctive area which she loves. Many of her own life experiences have helped her gather the necessary tools essential in tending to the needs of her clients. She is extremely passionate about her work and has a knack and proficiency with clients because she intuitively tunes into and draws out their individual and personal requirements. Her motivation comes through her belief in the peaceful coexistence of all things within the universal law governed by an all encompassing Divine force. True and unabashed love for everything and everyone is her stimulus.
She is a mentor who helps to build new skills and shape character. She has coached and helped diverse clients.
What You Will Gain:
Earth Angel Rose says: "My job is to coach and remind my clients of the optimum creative being they were meant to be. I help to nurture, energize, balance and lift one's light energy as they find clarity and a new found sense of the self and purpose. Many times problematic situations appear complex though the solution ("soul" ution, evolution of the soul) may be simple."
Through the application of scientific spiritual principles Earth Angel Rose works to unravel problems as she compassionately guides her clients to expand in divine consciousness, reach specific goals and ascertain a sense of worth and fulfillment.
Sharon says, "The world is in dire need of healing and reconstruction. Priorities are becoming misplaced. Many souls on the planet are empty inside and insatiable because they have lost sight of the original timeline and are caught up in the material realm while searching for fulfillment in the wrong places. We must re-discover the best of who we are respectively and rise to the surface from within if we are to make sense of our existence and evolve to higher realms of "being!" The hour is now! It is the time to exercise genuine consideration and care for the self and others. It is time to know your connection in and as Divine Spirit. It is time to honor our ancestors, care for all children and the environment as we fall deeper in love with the self. We must take on the responsibility for the creation of our own individual and unique intent. To find and live out one's divine purpose leads to true freedom and ascension."
"Everyone has it "within" their reach to accomplish their most aspired dreams. Once we have done the work together from "within" then the work from "without" comes to fruition. Remember, "Thoughts form things."What you see on the outer is truly what is reflected and created from the inner. Act now and grasp your own personal golden chalice! Choose a life of positive affirmative living in the Light. Heed the call for it is coming from the depths of your very own heart and mind. Begin now to expand and grow in Divine Spiritual Wakefulness. You are worth it!" CLICK ON THE "MAKE AN APPOINTMENT PAGE"